Guy jokes about my breasts alot. He has a girlfriend and always tries to hug me weirdly. But says we have to hug in private cause he has a "special hug" for me. Keeps going on about how we should "shimmy hug" what is that?! Asks his little sister for my number and starts to text me. He texts me one time (we both got in trouble because some adults assumed that we were being inappropriate together but we weren't because we didn't even know each other and he keeps joking about it) he says "For the record, I'm going to tell mrs ____ that I think about laying in bed with you naked every time I see your boobs" And then he asked me later what would happen if someone stroked my boobs while hugging. And it's just very confusing cause he's super sweet and respectful its just he cracked or something. He's always making comments and asking me to massage him. He obsesses over the thought of shimmy hugging. And I thought he was my friend and so earlier I told him I sleep commando and he was being really excited about it. HELP! and now someone told him I think he's creepy and he's totally ignored me and now acted all christian like towards me. What is wrong? btw...i like him :O