So recently I received an email from google saying that an unknown device logged into my gmail account. So I went to check my recent devices and I found out that it was true, someone on a Windows computer using Chrome logged into my account! I don't have Windows, I use Linux and the browser I use is Firefox both of which google recognize easily. So I simply changed my password to something harder, this was bizarre as I had never given ANY CLUES or my password to anyone, it was a complete secret.

So a few days later Twitter emails me and says that an unknown device logged into my twitter, and I was floored to see that it was this Windows device again! So now I had to change my Twitter password. No more mysterious log-ins happened after that as I also made sure to tell google and twitter to log me out of all devices. But the reason why I ask for help is because I want to check if I need to do anything else besides just change my password.