Ok, well I play fantasy sports on ESPN with my closest of friends (or at least they were). There are 6 players in my league: my longtime best friend, my other longtime best friend, two newer friends, and my brother. We are all around 15 years of age.

Dan was my best friend since 3rd grade, and we did everything together. We like the same sports, do the same things, and have the same friends. You couldn't mention my name without his, because his house was like mine. He, a few months ago, decided to just make fun of me along with Jake (a newer friend). Jake is kind of shy, and really sensitive about people making fun of him. Me and Dan used to make fun of Jake last year, but it really wasn't complex and ended in a month or so.

Ever since the beginning of summer, Jake and Dan have created a friendship just as great as mine and Dan's once was. They have combined to make fun of me just about nonstop on the ESPN fantasy sports message board about things i say. Literally anything i say gets made fun of. If we watch sports together and i say something as simple as "Yeah!" when my team scores a touchdown, they will scrutinize me for it forever. It really just screws up my day when i go to my fantasy team and i get insults like these.

I have just about done everything to try to stop the bullying: counter-bullying, apologizing, ignoring, saying stop, and even making up. It never worked. The only things i haven't done are alert an adult and get into a fist fight.

I just don't know what to do. If i leave the friend group, i am leaving my other longtime best friend, and also some other friends. I don't have many other friends outside of our group except a few.

It really hurts my day, and my studies in school. It terrifies me to just go through this day in and day out. Ever since the first day of summer this has happened. Its been 5-6 months now. Please help.

& they talk behind my back ALL the time. Thats all they talk about 24/7 at school and at home is me and what i have said or done.

Thanks so much!