So, couple months ago, I moved to a new middle school and to another country
so i knew no one from this area and knew not much about this place
anyway, i go to school and I am definitely not the most social person and indeed, I am very shy and i couldn't help it.
when i got to school, I froze up pretty badly when i saw all the new kids and stuff. I was stuttering the whole day, very quiet and keeping my eyes down n stuff
I am also naturally very geeky, i love reading and my friends before loved me for that and had no problem with that.
However, the kids weren't very nice to me at all in return.
They ignored me in their chatting, they avoided me anywhere i went, and they ditched me in any kinds of meetings or ceremonies at school. They talked behind me about every actions I do.
U might say that: oh, the whole school cant just hate you! and truth to be told, I freaking think they do.
Or some might say: Ignore it.
and i've been trying to for quite a while, but it is very hard

So is there any way i can fix this situation? I was told to wait if they didn't accept me as a friend, but isn't 4 months enough waiting?
I am a very shy person, and it is my fault that i wasn't that enthusiastic about becoming friends with them. But how can I help it?
and lastly... How do you exactly get used to being alone? because somehow i can't freaking do ignore them talking about me in those ways.
I am not trying to be friends with them. because i already heard how they think about me in many stupid ways.
I just want to improve the situation to the point where they and i can at least feel comfortable sitting at a same lunch table, or talk