My friend seems to think, when something minor happens, that it is always cancer.. how do I handle telling her the news that it is not cancer and she is just over reacting. Also she thinks it is stage 6 cancer... please help
Responses (3)
She is a drama queen and/or histrionic personality type.
Stop getting involved in her hysterics.
There is no such thing as Stage 6 cancer.
"Number staging systems usually use the TNM system to divide cancers into stages. Most types of cancer have 4 stages, numbered from 1 to 4. Often doctors write the stage down in Roman numerals. So you may see stage 4 written down as stage IV."
When she acts crazy give her the number for hospice and go to the movies.
Tell her to stop looking up her symptoms online and actually go to a doctor if she thinks she's "so sick"
Also, there's no such thing as stage 6. It goes to 4, and that's when you're terminal and about to die.
Sorry to say, but sometimes you have to be stern, even mean to get the point across to some people.
Depending where you live. Doctors tell you everything when comes to cancer. If a doctor has told her she has cancer then tell her there are support groups to help her and you cope with it. There are tests for cancer and when a doctor see cancer they act fast on it. . Cancer support groups are great help for people and families and evens friends to go to to help understand what you going thru. Suggest going to s cancer support group. If a symptom she having isn't relaxed to cancer they will tell her. This gets you off the hook as look bad or uncaring to her.