About eleven days ago,I got a wound at the bottom of my right foot .Touched dirty rain water carelessly,the wound infected unfortunately.Now the wound is large as a coin,not deep( but flesh can be seen)but swell ,just at the center of my foot sole(right under the ball of foot) As you know,the wound area is very sensitive to pain .I get to local clinic to change wound dressing everyday,the nurses usually use Iodine cotton to wash the wound for a few minutes,It's Too Painful!My wound seems bleed at times ,everyday the baddage is wet and red.The doctor has cut my wound open twice ,just use scissor to stab ,without anesthesia,and it pains like hell! Can anyone tell me How to alleviate pain at wound dressing changes,why not use anesthesia (the doctor said the wound is at one of the most sensitive part of body ,so pain is inevitable) Another thing makes me embarrassed and angry is -----having suffered a malnutrition at young,now being 20s ,I'm under 5 feet ,and my feet is smaller than size 2!(I've to wear kids shoes)Everytime the nurse laughs at me (for my tiny feet)when changing my wound dressing.what's weird,she is always angry and keeps cursing me when my foot trembles because of the pain when she washes my wound.Is it right or normal? what can i do? A few hours ago i went to clinic again ,the doctor said my wound is healing,but very slowly,the dressing change nearly bring my tears out ,it still pains like burning.Please help me ,thank you.