I'm 22 and have lived on my own since 19, paying my own rent, car insurance, phone bill, utilities, ect. I'm also working to pay off college loans. I owe over 8000 dollars to a university and can't make payments some months because I like having a roof over my head and eating every now and then. I don't buy things like clothes or make-up, I don't go to the movies or to restaurants, I've cut down my data plan to the very minumum but need SOME form of internet seeing as though the house I rent (yes, house, but my rent is 300 a month) has no internet or cable. Or heat, for that matter. I live very minimally and have cut down my bills as much as I can, yet life always pops up and I end up in more debt. My car breaks every other week. Consistantly. This is not an exageration. I can't afford a more expensive car because my credit is so bad from what I owe for school, and even if there were a cheap reliable car out there I don't know enough about cars to spot it. I stopped fixing it and now I can't even drive it, yet still pay insurance (more expensive than my rent) on it because, apparently, if I stop paying it my rate will go up even more. I had to go to the ER a few weeks ago, and that wasn't cheep either (I can't afford medical insurance). Then my cats got an ear bug, and taking them to the vet wasn't cheap. I'm not cutting out their expenses though, they are the only happiness I have in my life and I will always make sure their needs are fulfilled, even before my own. I've gone on about my situation enough though... on to my question. I can't afford college. I'll go into even more debt than I'm in now, and I fear I'll never get out. I know I know; It's not just me. Life's hard. I know this already, trust me. I want to hear from others who have been in my situation, or people who know someone who's overcome this. Should I just dive back into college and sink myself further into debt for a dregree? Is there a job I can work that I can support myself on, including all of life's twists and turns, even though I don't have a degree? Any advice would be greatly appriciated. Thank you in advance for your time.
Answers (1)
You have a lot going on my dear child. First you must find someone to talk to about your situation. College will not solve anything in your life until you have some kind of direction. Usually when you go to college you do not have to start paying on your college debts until you have earned your degree. I don't recommend you go back until you know what you want to do and have a burning desire to do it and a sense of purpose in doing it. Go to local social service agencies and see what help you can find. Go to the temporary employment agencies and look for a factory job - they may start out at $9, but after a while you can advance to a permanent position and earn more. It will be hard work but will give you the incentive to figure out a career path. Make a budget and start saving money for life's unexpected twists and turns. You say "life is hard" - this is your belief system and life will continue to prove what you believe. Change your belief - say to yourself, to the mirror, to other people, "life is a miracle!" or "life is a blessing!" or "life is unbelievably wonderful!" - say it until you believe it - because all of these are true. Find someone that needs help and help them - it doesn't have to cost money - give someone your time - give something out and this will help open the doors for life to give something back to you. I wish you blessings upon blessings.