Here's the deal. I graduated high school with a 3.2 GPA ranked 4th in my class. I didn't apply for any scholarships because I was dumb enough to think that the three Validictorians would get all of them. Now a few months later I'm working full-time and I'm trying my best to afford college but my pell grant only paid my tuition and I can't swing the books. I had money set aside for them but I recently got in a car accident and I'm required to pay $500 out of pocket for it. Leaving me pennyless. What can I do? College starts in 4 days and I don't have the money to get books anymore. I dropped 2 classes to lower my tuition and my pell grant covered 1 book but I still have a long way to go and my next chack has to go towards rent/utilities. Taking a year off is out of the question. I'm the first one in my family to do this well and giving up now makes it all worth nothing. Any suggestions? I've considered loans but I don't want to go into debt and I'm not sure they will process in time now. Any suggestions?