So recently I had been scratched by a feral kitten that I have took in and has been staying with us for a month and a half, when i took her in she was thin and sick, her poop was green and white and she didn't move that much and slept alot, but now she is a healthy normal kitty and is taking in deworming shots with 2 more left to go, and by the way she is too young to have a vaccination shot ( i think )
Anyways I was playing with her and she was on my leg, she fell off and scratched me in the process, it wasn't deep but it was enough to draw blood, it wasn't a heavy flow, it was just a bit of blood actually, really light, she seemed okay, this was after she took vitamins and is being a lot more active than usual
A second time was when I was playing with her again, it was on my hand this time and it was a bit deeper this time, bled but stopped after awhile
both wounds are healed by now, they both didn't seem infected, no swelling, no redness nothing, I certainly don't have a cat scratch fever but I'm still concerned since our country has alot of rabies things going on, should I be worried?