OK so my husband was on felony probation from okaloosa county for corprol punishment to a minor he did 6 months in county 3 years of probation an lost custody of his daughter (was not the child that was disaplined) anyways he completed everything we got his daughter back an he had 1 month of probation left, he somehow ended up with another charge same charge as the first one an was sentenced to do 18 months in prison. He's probation officer never violated him in her error the paper work never made it to court. Now that he is out his probation was reinstated to only finish the last month. Is term date is in 10 days an he will be off... Except she now put in for a violation. She said she put in a recommendation for him to be completed at such date.
I'm worried they will pick him up an arrest him an transport him to okaloosa county. Any ideas what may happen.
Everything has been completed fines were paid an everything has Ben resolved..