I have two sons, they both disrepected my wife and me. A long time ago they sent me money to buy land and build a three family house. Everything was in my name, I ran the construction for them. They were my sons, anything for them. One apartment was sold and all debt was paid off. One apartment was left for each of my sons, debt free. The two apartments were in my name.Then my one son had two daughters, none of which were named after their Mom. I made it clear to my son I was upset, he was also not married in a church at the time. He had asked me to sell his apartment so he can buy a house for his family. I told him to find another way because the two apartments were next door to me, i did not want more neighbors. He found another way and tensions rose, he never apologized for the names he had given to his daughters. I told him I placed everything in his Mom's name, who ever was good to their Mom would get my property. My son then had a boy, he named him after his Grandfather. My wife's father was named Francis. This had to be for spite, he should have named the boy after me. He called me recently, first time in 2 or 3 years. He said happy new year and he was asking about his apartment. I corrected him, I told him it was mine. He had broken the deal of respecting his parents, so I will break the deal with the apartments and keep them. I will leave everything to the Church. God would agree?? Yes?