Ok, so ever since the summer me and my mom never really argues alot. But one day, i moved in with her and at one point i was a little impatient cause I couldn't get internet service as fast as i wanted to. I freaked out and she questions everything about me that day. Questions run through her head as if im wrong and shes right and whatever she believes in. I'm not saying shes wrong but whatever she believes in can't be right because i've been dealing with that problem for a long time. I got sick of it so i moved to my mom's. I waited for 1 in a half week for the internet and then it came so all the patience worked. But i still feel as though that theres a problem in the house because of me. Sometimes i gulp whenever she is near me or even when we watch TV together i can't focus on watching TV because when she watches it and when im trying to concentrate watching i can't because she isn't thinking highly of me, she is completely bitter torwards me even when watching TV! I can't focus!