I have a medical problem that I take Vicodin for. Many supervisors/ managers at my work know I take this medication. On Sunday I asked to leave one hour early because I was in pain and needed to take medication. Next thing I'm in the managers office and was made to go home even tho I was just fine to work but I was told "they need to protect the company" next day my doctor faxed over a letter clearing me to work and I was under his supervision. Well even tho my dr cleared me to work I am now out of work for a false report that was written stating "I told the manager I took to much Vicodin and could not perform my job." I never said that and I never said when the last time I took the medications and was not on the medication at that time. The report stated I could not perform my job and had restrictions. I was working just fine, with no problems and I do not have any restrictions. Now because of what this manager reported saying I told him I took too much Vicodin and unable to function I'm out of work until further notice. If a false statement was never written I would not be in this situation. All I asked was to leave 1 hour early. What can I do? How can I be reimbursed for work hours missed?