If there is a game, and its rules are as following:
1.each player moves simultaneously
2. in each turn every player can move to where she wants in a circular map(i.e., you can come back around by moving forwards or backwards) provided the move distance is less than the a certain maximum distance randomized in each game(not each turn) and you have enough energy to get there(which you have to refill in a certain place in exchange of cash).
3. The longer the distance moved, the more the energy consumed.
4. There are sellers and buyers in the map and you have to move to the locations of the buyers and sellers to sell and buy your inventory, and there's a certain amount of initial cash.
5. The goal of the game is to maximize the returns (the cost included the cost of buying the energy).
How can I find a dominant strategy? Or if there isn't, how can I find a good strategy?