About a year ago I slept with this guy, it was a one off and we kept being friends. We are reasonablly close but in the last couple of weeks I have felt a connection. We went to a rave/club event and were dancing together, he told me he felt connected to me but I don't know what he meant. We have ended up kissing a couple of times over the last few weeks and he said it was just a laugh. When I see him around friends he still seems so close with me and we get on so well although he has a girlfriend who i'm quite good friends with. I don't know if he likes me and i'm starting to get feelings for me. Is this just a crush and will it go or does he like me? What do I do to make it stop because I feel terrible.
Responses (3)
I think he likes you and is interested in you.. Just be careful as his girlfriend is a close friend of yours! If you can when you two are alone ask him if he's got feelings for you! But don't back stab your friend knowing she loves him! Don't try and break them up cause the time will come! Ask yourself if you actually like this guy! Write a list of things you want in a guy and a list of the things you like in a guy that he has! You must write 12 things you like in a guy and there must be more than 6 things you like in this guy! Goodluck tell me what happens
I'm worried i'm just his bit of fun and nothing more. If I am I can just leave. Either way I need to stop because I will loose so many friends..
Yeah I totally understand! If he is just using you and playing with your feelings yeah you should just leave him there's no point of it... Maybe you should ask him on facebOok if he's ever thought about you guys being together or if he likes you or not! See wat he says! I understand maybe you should tell him you don't want to be involved in his games anymore! Because it could cost you friends!
I think i'm just going to stop be so self centered and just leave it, i'm being silly and immature. Is the best thing to do just to keep friends with everyone and forget about it?
Hey don't be like that to yourself you aren't being immature a single bit!!! Yeah, but I guess you should just be friends! He'll come around if it was meant to be!!
Although I know they argue but what couple don't. They seem so happy when they're together. Sometimes he talks about their sex life to my friends and I so I think he's just having a laugh and being free.
Lol! Okay, yeah that's kinda weird! I guess maybe he really loves her.... Just leave him I think he's just being a boy playing around! But you know its kinda like he has a choice between you two and if he really loved you, you wouldve been together a long time ago and there would be no choice! Just leave him! Continue being friends!
yeah i agree, we're both young and 'yoloing' :)
We get on so well so i'm just keeping it this way and I think he feels the same, his girlfriend is my friend and to be honest i'm not the type of person to do that to someone. I feel really bad about it, I pushed him away a couple times but he was consistent.
The day after we kissed last week, he sent me a message on facebook asking if I had a thing for him, i answered no like i was surprised by him asking me. He told me it has just been a laugh and that he is inlove with his girlfriend although felt connected with me. I'm so confused, I feel like I should just leave it because I don't want them to break up at all, it's just hard. After we kissed he said we shouldn't make a habit of it but it happened again. And he spoke to me saying we could be 'stupidly good friends' don't know what to do:(