I'm completely aware that the state grants PERMISSION and can revoke/suspend someone's ABILITY to drive. So please don't assume an answer based on that. Please only answer if you know for an absolute fact who the CARD belongs to.
Answers (2)
Seeing as it's issued by the government (Ministry of Transportation), and you have to get it from the state you live in, it is property to the state, and they can revoke it at any time they wish, depending on how many infractions have built up against the card holder.
While it does belong to the one owner - the person that has applied for it - it is still property of the state because they hold records and information applied to that specific licence.
Everything within their jurisdiction is Allodially owned by the State. Your Licencing card is included. You as the holder have "equitable" ownership aka permission to use at their discretion and can be taken by them at any time as the primary owner. Just like your home, land, car, boat, motorcycle, food, clothes, bank account, children, body and soul. And it's all 'Legal' (though unLawful). You agree to this every time you sign a legal document, just like you agreed and signed your permission on your Birth Certificate via the Sole Print of your foot along with your Mothers consent as the unmarried 'informer' making you a ward and "citizen" of the State with your ward and citizen Mother and birth Father as temporary custodians, caretakers and providers for the States child property. It's the same with any US "citizen" aka franchise aka debt slave responsible for the debts of the State. Solution: renounce your US citizenship and re-venue your Trade Name (legal name) to the land jurisdiction and record (not register) it in the county of your birth. There are also other requirements such as not being an employee of any government, not registered to vote in corporate elections, contacting the Secretary of the Treasury and notifying the Holy See. Once completed and approved this makes you an American National or a Sovereign American State National depending on your circumstances...