For real?
Answers (1)
Well to think about it, the bible was the first book to be written, it have been around for decads now, if it was' nt for the bible we would'nt know right from wrong, and if everyone would follow the bible way of living life , the world would be a much much better place. The bible have proved reliable in how people should be treated, it gives a lot of facts about life for example in the past people used to think that the earth was flat but in the Bible book of isaiah 40 : 21-22 it says "there is one who is dwelling above the circle of the earth" . And it wasn't since within the 19 century man has proved that the earth was indeed a cicle, and that scripture was written back in the 6 century b.c.e, Also in the Bible book of Job 26 : 7 it was written " God is hanging the earth upon nothing" again mankind had always believed that the earth was resting on somthing to hold it up like a stone, one theory said on the back of a turtle, elephant etc, but in the bible many many decades ago it was written that the earth was resting upon nothing, it wasnt since man went to the moon we realize that nothing was holding the earth up. So the point is the Bible have proved its reliability so the bible did tell the truth about God like his name, his personalities, qualities, likes and dislikes
thats right the Bible is God's word and its accurate