So I met this girl a while ago, and I had a crush on her.
she was 1 year older but we were in the same group and she liked me back.
She went to highschool and I went 1 year after.
We havent talked since but I started messaging her o fb 2 weeks ago.
I still haven't talked to her face-to-face.
When We chat she often does "ahaha" or "dx", When I say hi she always says Hiiiiii
and when I asked her if she had skype she said Yessssss!
She normally answers my question and at school I can sometimes see her looking at me and sometimes smiling.
When we chat she always takes like 3 or 5 minutes to respond.
She hugs other guys sometimes.
So, does she like me??? What do you think!?!?!?!