Does religion have a influence on the choices/decisions we make in life?

Responses (3)

Religion provides a point of reference for ethical decision making ethics has to do with our choices and actions.Which form our character when making ethical decisions, no one stands outside a social and cultural.

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Religion is men telling each other what to do. Choice is discouraged. God's word is the word of life. Choice is the primary factor.

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I believe everyone has a choice in life. Even in the beginning with Adam and Eve they had a choice to make even though it was the wrong one. I think religion has an influence on decisions but that doesn't necessarily mean people follow what they learn. You really have to take in an accurate knowledge of what you are learning or being taught in order for it to actually take an effect in your life. 2 Tim 3 16 says "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." So I feel that one's who take the time to learn the truth that eventually it will make your decisions reflect what you learn from the Bible.

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