Does potential life worth more or less than improving existing life?how?

Answers (1)

This is very controversial because we explore the unknown with theories and guessing but potential life could very well improve existing life or harm it and there's no % of outcome that we can put on either the good or bad that potential life holds but there are things that we do know and i am assuming we are talking about abortion what would be the toll on the parent and their families what would be the toll on the child would that child be able to have a nurturing environment until he/she matures and can support them selves if not where will he/she go is it worth not having any improvement of life and destroying the childhood of that person and possibly not giving them the chance to develop much needed social and behavioral skills to succeed in life

but there is no definite answer and if you think you have found one chances are its an opinion hope you have found this helpfull

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If you are talking about suicide though i have been there multiple times it feels like a circle i know but as you can see it never worked and i don't know how my depression went away but it gets better it really does i think the best way to vent is to write even if no one reads my stuff i know its somewhere besides locked in my mind

thank you so much #Hellspoet