Does my boyfriends diabetes make it harder for us to get pregnant?

Answers (2)

Apparently, research studies show that about a quarter of men with type 2 diabetes have low testosterone levels (hypogonadism). That can lead to problems which can reduce fertility by causing low sperm count and erectile dysfunction. So yes, it can.

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Variety 1 diabetes, the variety your boyfriend is said to have, can also be inherited. But, variety 1 diabetes requires insulin injections in order to stay alive! variety 1 diabetes is associated with some specific configurations of the genes in the DNA. variety 1 diabetes is most often diagnosed in childhood (middle school [like age 12 - as with your boyfriend] and early elementary school years) but can grow and any age, but not so often after age 40 years (of course that's the time type 2 diabetes can develop if one is heavy and inactive). If one has the genetic profile and propensity, it does NOT mean one WILL develop variety 1 diabetes, but does certainly increase the likelihood.

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