I'm in 8th grade, and he was talking to me, teasing me a little, and even pushing my glasses down the tip of my nose. He mostly did it around my friend, though. The day before Christmas break, my friend, him, and I were having a conversation. My friend suddenly dragged me out of the classroom to tell that she had heard from his friend (who is also her friend) that he liked me. We went out for break after that. Once we got back after two weeks, he didn't really talk to me. He would talk to my friend a little but not really to me. I would catch him looking at me every now and then, though. This went on for 3 weeks, then on Monday he told me someone had said I wanted to tell him something, which I didnt have anything to say. Then on Friday, after an awards ceremony, he asked me what I had gotten, because he thought I had gotten something interesting. He went along with his business after that, but right before his bus stop he climbed into my seat. All he said was that it was much more comfortable, then he left. I'm so sorry for rambling! I'd just really appreciate the help.