Sorry, I have the worst judgment in the world. We just met today
Signs he gave me:
1) he kept touching me (not in the bad way). He wanted just me him and his cuzine to ride down this hill (big ass, let me tell you). He sauntered next to me while I dragged his sister up this big ass hill, and didn't go ahead of me. When we were inside (he decided to smash his face on the jump) he tried to times to scare me. When he succeded, it Was because he tackled me from the side and held me down. Then when we were herding all the little kids upstairs, We were having a pillow fight with the kids, he got on top of me. I shoved him off and he tried again. So I got up and went downstairs to "pee".
2) He started talking about a "hotness scale". He said I was a 8 and kept repeatedly asking me what he was.
3) when we left, I asked for his number. He grabbed my hand and wrote his number all up my arm. Like up to my shoulder. I had to keep my arm glued to my side. He asked me to call him, but I don't know of I should....