So, to start I am a gay male and I'm 18 years old. The boy is 17 or 18.

So I've just recently started college for my second year but at a different campus. There's a boy in my class who is friends with some girls I've recently started hanging with, me and my other friends have noticed he keeps looking our general direction. Every time I look up he is either glancing at me or staring (but looking away when ever I look back). He seems gay, his friends a very convinced he is either not out or just will be gay one day and they've known him for about three years. Me and my friend tried to do a test on Friday, I walk in first and her after me to see who he is really looking at (as we still weren't 100% sure) and she told me he was looking at me but quickly looked back at his computer when I walked to my chair. He's cute and all and I'm flattered if he is crushing on me but he has a girlfriend who may or may not be a 'beard'.

Do you think he's just curious about me as a person? Or do you think he likes me? I don't mind either way or none at all but I just need an outsiders opinion.