Does christmas bring families together?

Responses (4)

every year my family watches the "christmas story" we have ginger bread cookies, which we made ourselves, and eggnog. as we sit next to the t.v. and by the fire, you would not want to be anywhere else in the world! i think it does bring families together

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yes it does. christmas is a special time to realize how lucky you are to have wat you got...some ppl have money without families...some have no money with wonderful families who support and love you...savor the moments of christmas with your family their allways ther for you no matter wat. merry christmas! :)

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Yes, Christmas brings families together. When I was a child , Our families were sitting down around a table and sing a song . My Sister & I would open our presents; we’d play for a while, and then we’d have a simple Christmas dinner in front of the TV before a bit more playful and finally bed.

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Yes I agree to Christmas bring families together..I think Family is most important part of our life.
if u with your family then you are lucky. i remember my last Christmas. My all family member give me surprise last year. We had lost of enjoyed together. My lovely sister purchased personalized gift and Cookies for me online. Cookies are my favorite dessert all time. I never forget my last year Christmas.

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