I want to study abroad in Japan for a semester so I can learn the language better but my family is very poor. I need to try to raise $13,000, so if anyone has some ideas for fundraising?
Answers (2)
I fund raised $15,000 for a school trip to Greece last year and found many different ways to make money.
-Places like the local pub or casino give away money as scholarship money for things like school or sports trip if you send in an application.
-House sitting, pet sitting or babysitting for people in your neighbourhood
-Set up a car wash
-Garage sale or just sell online stuff you don't want anymore
-Make up a raffle prize and sell tickets
-Busking outside the shops like play an instrument or sing (bring a puppy with you and you get heaps more money)
-If you cant get a part time job do a paper run (deliver mail)
There are so many options :)