Like is there a workout plan anyone has that can help me build more strength similar to that of Jason Voorhees?
Answers (1)
Thats a syfy movie based on strength of evil. its acted not real. Professional body builders are capable or lifting and moving heavy objects like cars etc. They wouldn't be able to do things jason could like slice someone in half with a machete without trying. Or yank someones arm off with ease. Or knock someones head off and send it far away. People who played as him are not even half as strong as him. Its pretty unique how movies has special effects to make it look realistic on a fictional level. Anyone who movie acts can do anything they want once its over their back to their normal selfs.
As far as working out, just go to the gym. Workout 3-5 times a week. Create and follow a diet plan consisting muscle rebuilding. If you are really serious about working out, try going to the gym 5-7 times a week and eat a protein balanced food. I see you admire great strength from a fictional character.