Do you think video games can improve our problem-solving skills? Why or why not?

Answers (2)

It depends on the video game.
For shooters or fighting games, no.
But for RPGs or puzzle solving games, yes.

Video games can put the player in a situation that they aren't likely to be in real life. And the fact that they are interactive just supports the idea.

It disappoints me that people talk down video games just because they're new.

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Yes, it's true. Many experiments have shown that games have a positive effect on mental abilities. For example, if the game has a difficult quest, then you are forced to strain your brain and your willpower to complete it. Potentially, any game can make you better, for example, races and shooters develop your speed of reaction and orientation in space. But there are video games that are obviously more useful than others. I can recommend such educational games like The Room, Minecraft, and Realmcraft.

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