My whole family moved to Japan to live with my japanese grandma for six months now.
She's my dad's mom and she's 73. The first two weeks that we came, we were treated very nicely. But, 3 months later she began to show what I believe is her real personality.
Some people might beieve in the story of wife and a mother in law are enemies, but I'm starting to believe it.
When we said not yet to something she wants us to do or eat, she just assumes that we are lazy or hate it and threw everything away! Sometimes, she stole fruits and veg. from the neigborhood and force us to eat them. Also, there are a lot of times that she said the food we eat is too meaty, or too cold, or the rice is too hard to chew, and anything she doesn't like is all wrong. Especially, her way of complimenting or saying, it's like she's being sarcastic all the time! She likes to use bad words to us as if they were funny too.
Evreyone in my family are so upset, disappoint, and angry. Especially, my parents. Anything they did were bad!
I can't stop thinking that she's being selfish at all and Inever hated a person this much before. I thought Japanese people are neat and their traditions are admirable. I've been thinking so hard whether it's my imagination or reality, my head's gonna explode! I visited her five years ago and she wasn't his worst!
Please help me!! by giving your opinion here.