My daughter is 15, she's in 8th grade. She got held back in 7th grade because she failed 3 classes. Well next month her class is taking a trip to Cedar Point. I already paid $60 for her to go and it's non-refundable. She is currently failing two classes. The one class she's been failing all year, the other class I have no clue why. My daughter never does her homework, or hangs out with anybody. She is on her phone 24/7. We try grounding her, she still won't do her work she would rather sleep. She has a bad attitude and backtalks ALOT. She doesn't have a learning disability we checked and she scored negative. She had a project that was worth 180 points in english and a month to do it. She didn't do it at all, didn't attempt and got a zero. She fails tests because she never studies. She has an answer for everything I told her your not going to cedar point and she said that's ok I didn't want to go anyways my partner can't go. 
Yesterday she was all talk about Cedar Point. Do you think she should go? What should we do?