I get very worried about seemingly small, random things and when I get worried about bigger things- I feel my heart going faster and I literally can't stop thinking about it. Atm my biggest worry is a Maths competition I've been entered into. Contrary to popular belief my biggest worry isn't that I'll fail. It's lots of little things that go together. E.g None of my friends will be there, It's weird between me and my teacher, I'm incredibly awkward, I did the best out of everyone and they'll all be relying on me, I'm the only girl, what will we be having for lunch there?(I'm vegetarian), I don't want to my waste my lunchtimes practising..... And then I always get to a point where I'm worrying about what might happen if I get to the final...it's not good.
If anyone can recommend any ways of explaining to my parents/ teachers I'd be very grateful. - Rachel