Do you regularly get birthday and christmas gifts from parents since you turned 18?

Responses (3)

Of course... I'm 45 and still get gifts, and give gifts too naturally.

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Yes, but the gifts decrease significantly. You still get them but they become more useful gifts instead of fun gifts.

Example: Christmas I got lots of cooking dishes, apron, cutting board, body soaps and some clothes... I am a female who recently moved in with my boyfriend. So it's different than getting ipods, computers, latest video games, etc.

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Thank you for your response. I was checking to see what the "norm" was. I receive christmas and birthday gift from my husbands family since we were dating in college up until now. Its about 13 years, I am 33. My parents on the other hand...I can't tell the last time I received a birthday gift or christmas gift from them. Nor do they give my kids any gifts either (their only 2 grandchildren. )

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