so people like Adam Lambert or do not people think he is to goth others people thinks he is to gay. but i think that he is a good person and singer tell me what you think i want to know
Responses (2)
i am a hater. but not because of his sexuality. because he exploits his own sexuality to make a dollar. that makes him a pimp, and a prostitute. i feel the same about the female stars that sell sex over music. while mr. lambert would like you to think he is advancing the equal rights for gays movement, i see his actions as providing ammunition to the anti-gay population.
there is no rebellion at the top 40 level. the music industry is controlled by the government. even rage against the machine was government-approved rebellion. gay people have this 'bohemian' image, going against society's rules. but they are just people. gay or straight, a self respecting musician or songwriter should let his or her music stand on its own merit. don't buy into this image bullshit.
but, i digress. people love entertainment more than they love music.
absolutely. i suppose my personal experience in discovering adam lambert was different. first i saw his album on the shelf. in seeing (and not hearing the music) it was obvious that he was utilizing shock value in sexuality. it reminded me of the cover of 'look what the cat dragged in' by poison in the late 80's or early 90's. now, dont get me wrong, sexual ambiguity has been the hallmark of music stars around the world since the 60's.
the second time i saw adam was in a live performance (on television). i had heard the name a lot, and was interested
ya you have to hear him before you see him
i know i love adam lambert to and ppl dont like him bc he is gay
well he is as good singer and thanks for saying the truth and he does not sell him self as much as lady gaga or others no offense to her but do you see what i am saying. if he is gay straight or bi i do not care. when i first listen to him i loved his music and i did not know he was gay so there i like him the way he is