Im curious, do you believe in love at first sight?
Responses (4)
I believed in it at one point, My story goes...
4 months into my military service, I go out into town on liberty, now there are lots of places to go to , but I chose an odd place, a local best buy, and I was very much into music, so I go to the area where they have electric keyboards, and start playing a few things I picked up, I was entirely self taught, so I started playing an evanessence song, My immortal I believe, and this girl comes up next to me and starts playing along with me, I didn't really pay any attention to her right away until she sorta started taking over and began to play a totally different song, now I was never really into listening to the radio, and she began to play this one song I thought was instantly beautiful, we then introduced one another to each other, and instantly took a liking into one another, we continued to meet for weeks and maybe months, till I got the call that I was involuntarily mobilized, we tried our best to keep in touch but with time and the difficulty it was to send a letter on the move, we lost contact, so later I heard a song on the radio and heard a familiar sound, the piano piece she played when we first met was actually the piano part to Bruno Mar's song Just the way you are.