First off, I know that around 78% more people are right-handed; I am not comparing one lefty to a giant group of righties.
So, I have noticed that many righties of awful handwriting. Many of them seem to either hold the pencil in a painfully-foolish manner, or just can't make their text look as if it was written by someone older than 6 years. How come so many righties have bad penmanship? I do remember one lefty from primary school who was somewhat sloppy, but I think he wrote his cursive pretty well, otherwise. It seems as though righties often over-slant their letters. I may have the advantage of being cross-dominant (sorta halfway in between fully left-handed and ambidextrous), but I'm still surprised at the fact that I can write better with my right hand (albeit not faster) than many righties can with their right hands. If they were to try writing left-handed, it would look MUCH worse.
Any ideas? I get lots of comments on my printing, and especially my cursive. It's not just that many left-handed people have heightened artistic ability... I am speculating that right-handed people have a disadvantage when it comes to penmanship. I feel as though they'd be better if they had been lefties from the start. Any ideas? -Thanks