I am trying to get my license they say I only have to Carrie sr-22 insurance for two years after my suspension date is that the same for Satop can I just wait long enough and not have to do it
Do I have to do Satop after a certain amount of years?
Added 3+ months ago:
When I call the DMV it says I only have to carrie sr-22 insurance till DEC 25 of this year because that is the two years since I lost my license. I haven't reinstated my license yet because I have to do Satop is there a certain amount of time after your license has been suspended that you don't have to do Satop and can just reinstate your license. I haven't carried insurance either because I haven't had a license. After the two year mark do u have to do Satop our can I just not do it and be able to get my license since I haven't had my license in over two years
Answers (1)
you just want to be able to go to a issurance company and ask about satop cause not all insurance companys one require a sr 22 you could wait unless its a requirement by law it also depends what those laws are require a sr 22 just call your insurance company and ask about satop because those rules could be different