So my whole life i never had any problems with getting infront of class and doig presentations on certain subjects or acting out scenes for drama class. just upon entering college i had to do a presentation for a class. I was excited to present my lresentation and get it over with so i voulnteered first. Right upong the begining of my presrntation my heart started raceing so fast and my voice became shaky plus it felt like i wasnt gettig ebough oxygen.My mind is always cool calm and collect and i know theres no reason to be nervous. Without having history of being nervous or anxiety of public speaking i figuered mabey i developed it?..2 weeks later i ran into a friend who told me about svt and that he had it. he said that he didnt know he had svt until one day his heart started beating really fast due to an unknown trigger possibly alchol or other drugs and it required medical attention. Prior to that event His heart would speed up sometimes.He also would be short of breath and he thought it was just being nervous but didnt understand because he wasnt a rnervous person. So upon hearing this i started to think back about a month ago to when i was actually considering seeing a doctor because it felt like my heart was skipping a beat and that i would experience shortness of breath from little things like walking up 3 steps. What do you guys think i have? Im a 19 old male in shape!Thanks so much in advance!