Is it okay for a 19 year old guy to be a virgin? I'm the only one of my friends that hasn't done it yet and as much as they tell me that that's not true, I can't help but not believe them. I'm not a virgin for religious reasons or anything, I just haven't done it yet. I have done other stuff with a girl before though and I have talked to girls on a more-than-friends level we, just never had sex. (I didn't try and get rejected, we just never did). I'm not the type to go around trying every girl that I can. I often hear "your time will come". I just wonder why I'm not one of the normal people that had their "time" while they were still pretty young. (I will know what I'm doing when I do it though, I'm sure I won't be lost)...Is there something wrong with me? Am I doomed forever, seeing how I'm not a normal teenager? My friends tell me that it's fine and that I'm normal and that I just haven't met the right girl and whatnot. Then again, I know I'm the only one that hasn't done it. It's not that I feel bad, I just think about it a lot and wonder when I will and why I haven't yet and if that makes me abnormal.