I was contacted by a recruiter on Linkedin asking if I would be interested in a position. I began the process of applying for this job mid-July which involved an aptitude test, and several interviews. I had my final interview with the company two weeks ago. I have called the recruiter twice since then for updates on my application status. Monday he let me know they had one more interview Tuesday and I would know at the end of the week whether I received the position. I don't want to bug him again, since he promised me he would contact me when he knew something, and I don't want to come off as a pest. However, I really need an answer as 1) this is my dream job and I'm anxious to hear the results. And, more importantly 2) I have to decide whether I will be taking my college courses this semester. If I received an offer I would not take classes and instead focus on my job, but if I do not receive the offer I want to continue my courses. Tuition is due Monday, so my decision is time-sensitive.

Can somebody let me know what to do? If I should contact him, how do I do so without coming off as annoying.
