So there r two guys

A: this guy and I joke back and forth saying the other one is a stalker. Also I brought him a cupcake one day and now he jokes asking did you bring me another cupcake. Also he always takes my stuff (jokingly) and hides it. He just teases me in general too.

B: we played bball in gym nd after every game we played against each other he would tell me good game nd give me a high five nd we had an "all star" game the other day nd he would always pass me the ball instead of the other girls nd he would always give me a high five when we made a good play together nd afterwards we lost but he told me good job anyways. Oh and I suck at basketball and he is pretty good and now we are playing volleyball and we still aren't on the same team but the tides are switch. He always hangs around these two other girls in my class and talks to them and everything but he never really said good job as much to them even though one was on his team.

Do either one of them like me??
I've never had a boyfriend or a guy really like me so I don't know how to tell! I was thinking about flirting with them to see how they react but I fail at flirting. What should I do? How do I flirt?