Discuss the overall purpose people have for investing. Define investment?

Answers (4)

Means the money into the process of capital. The investment can be divided into physical investment, capital investment and securities investment. The former is based on money invested enterprises made ​​a profit through the production and business activities. The latter is based on the currency to buy stocks and corporate bonds issued by enterprises, indirectly, to participate in the distribution of profits.

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According to me investment include money distribution for either making more money or creating extra income.There are several options for investment like in real estate sector,investment in shares & commodities,in banking sectors etc.

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Investment can be defined as an expense that we make to purchase an asset on a temporary basis. We can further sell these assets on a high selling price to earn profit.

People who have excess of money invest in various markets or assets with the purpose of getting maximum ROI.

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Investment is putting money into an asset with the expectation of capital appreciation, dividends, and interest earnings.

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