Discuss the concept of peace keeping peace building and peace making?

Answers (2)

Peace keeping is using force, threat of force, appeasement, etc to ensure the continued cooperation of one or more sides in a dispute to keep the current status quo.

Peace Building is using measures such as monetary or material aid to ensure a more stable atmosphere.

Peace making is using any of the previously mentioned actions to bring one or more sides of a dispute into an agreement of peace, or to reduce the hostile actions those side(s) use.

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Peace is within, peace is not an external thing. Unless we are at peace within, we cannot expect peace outside of us. There can be no peace building and peace making when our own mind steals our peace, and therefore we are constantly looking for peace of mind. While we want peace of mind, it is our mind that is making our peace into pieces. We must understand the cause. The cause is the ME, the Mind and the Ego, it makes us miserable, as it bombards us with constant fear, worry, stress and anxiety through the process of thoughts. Therefore if we want peace, we must learn to go within, we must learn to slow down our pace, we must learn to be in silence, we must introspect, contemplate, then we will realize peace within, and the world outside too will be peaceful.

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