Growing up, my mother and I were very close and continued to be close even after I got married. But when I got pregnant, it seemed that my relationship with her changed. She took liberties she hasn't before (She announced on Facebook that we were having twins before we could!) She would drop in randomly (she lives 4hours away) to see how I was doing, She kept on insisting that she would be the one in the delivery room instead of my Husband (What?) And after my twins were born she's become critical of my parenting choices (I couldn't breastfeed you enough ,and you have 2? You wont be able to do it), (I was feeding you cereal at 1 month, why haven't you fed them cereal yet? (They were 2 months old) ) etc... She's been causing me undue stress and I can't take it anymore. Has anyone else's relationship with their mother go south after having children?

(Sorry for the wall of text!)