Ok, I've been dating my boyfriend for the past 3 years on and off. He is a kind mannerly funny guy but only recently I have been thinking about the future. Im a teacher and working in temporary contracts but he doesnt work at all. He worked in an aquarium for a year for a few hours a week but he has CFS and said he couldnt handle the hours-even though it was only 3 days a week. He doesn't drive either and I wanted to buy him driving lesson vouchers for his birthday in January but he said he wasnt ready to start driving. He's 23 and I'm 24. He's a lovely guy and we are in love but he just has no motivation to do anything. I wish he was more motivated. I am thinking about the future and I really dont think he would be able to support me or a family. We go on alot of dates but we always split the bill, he never pays for me. I dont mind because I am an independent girl but Id like to be spoiled every now and again. I feel he still lives like a teenager. He lives with his mother and I have seen him on a number of occasions asking his mam for money for icecream/chocolate whenever he mows the lawns or walks the dog. I dont know if thats ok for his age but I find it weird. I feel thats for teens not adults. He has no koney to support himself. Anyway we recently had a talk about the future (I brought it up) and he said he doesnt see himself getting married for at least another 2 decades!! I was so shocked because I would love to be married by the time im 30/31. He says I shouldnt think that far ahead like enjoy right now but Ive done that enough and cant help but feel if i stay with him Im not on the road to getting my dream. I do love him with all my heart but i feel like its not enough. So last week I broke up with him out of the blue-he was so shocked and I could tell he was heartbroken but I felt it was the right thing to do for me. I have to think about my future and what I want. I know he has CFS but I feel he uses this as a shield to avoid doing anything with his life.
I know he probably hates me and that kills me because I really wanted us to end on good terms if we ever did break up. I feel like Ive not only lost a boyfriend but a best friend. A week on, and I feel so heartbroken!! I keep thinking I did the wrong thing but Ive read that this is normal in a breakup? He was my first boyfriend and first love so that makes it harder. Do you think I have made the right decision by breaking up with him??
I'd really appreciate any advice that you may have.