Because DFEH did not put the specific facts on the complaint form the way I explained it on my intake form. I did not say what DFEH put on the complaint form, plus I`m on section 8 and DFEH put on the complaint that tenant and I lived at this address. I would be violating section 8 policies if I signed that complaint form alleging that I have a tenant living with me when my contract is only for one person, me. So I got suspicious and would not cooperate and would not sign the complaint. So DFEH closed my intake inquiry because DFEH says my last date of harm is out of statute, I would be out of statute November 5th 2019. I filed my intake form With DFEH November 5th 2018; I have email stating they received my intake form dated November 5th 2018. DFEH found that there were probable violations of the law. Since I wouldn't sign the complaint form they came up with this statute issue. First I filed my complaint May 24th 2018 with HUD but HUD never responded to my request until11 months later April 18th 2019 telling me to respond immediately, I responded by email and told them I had a telephone interview with DFEH at 10am on April 16th 2019.