Describe the four processes by which the sea erodes the coastline?

Answers (1)

I: The Sea locates The Coastline and waits for its target to come close

II : After the Sea reaches a close range, using its tongue, the sea strikes and captures the coastline.


III: once the coastline is in the sea's mouth, it will use its teeth to mechanically chew the coastline. The enzyme amylase, found in the salavia in the sea's mouth will help break down proteins. As the sea is chewing the coastline, a bolus is being created in the back of the seas tongue. The sea will then swallow the bolus down the esophagus. The esophagus will then push the coastline down the digestive tract.

IV:Afterwards, the esophagus will then transport the coastline into the stomach. Once the coastline has entered the stomach, mechanical and chemical digestion will help further break down the coastline. The stomach will mechanically churn the coastline, and stomach acids will help chemically break down proteins.

V:Next, the the coastline travels to the small intestines, where water is absorbed, and diffused through the villi.

VI: Lastly, after being diffused through the villi, the waste exit through the cloaca opening.

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