Not to be too detailed, I've been suffering from depression for about three years. This past month or so has been really bad. But in the weeks ilwere I'm about ready to jump out a window, i have a day where I feel almost normal. Is it depression if you feel okay once and a while but hopeless and depressed the majority of the time?
Answers (5)
Both are bad but suppressing feelings is worse in my opinion, crying most often makes someone feel better after. Both are very similar. I don't feel like many people like me even though I've been treated as a friend by many. Guilty feelings are very bad and they seem to bother me everywhere I go. What's the reason for the lowsy feelings? I know cats seem to like me and I feel love for them more than humans, I'm lucky to have that..
I love cats too! I think a part of it is just biological and how I've grown up and my current situation is another. I know about feeling guilty, I also tend to feel Luke my friends randomly hate me even though they are acting as they always do. When I feel that way I usually shut everyone out and law low by myself a lot.
Almost all of the time I don't like to be around people. I don't know how to change that. I look forward to being alone but when I am alone I don't enjoy it either except when I'm resting maybe. I stay up late too and find it difficult to stop myself from thinking a lot at night. I'm writing a lot about me so how could I really help a bit?
I think you should let your feeling come out somehow. Sing, write, dance, draw - just found your way express your emotions. And then you will probably feel much better. ;)
Hi There. I'm sorry to hear that you feel these negative feelings. They are common especially in a world that is focused on the negative and the "false" positives like fame, fortune and corruption. I have found most of my answers in the age old book the Bible. Now before you think let me just close this browser and move one...give me just a moment. If you were on a dark strange road and were scared and someone showed you a map would you dismiss it because it was an old map? Or perhaps because you had never seen that map before? No! You would use it. So let me please just suggest that you take a peruse of the website Right now there is an article featured that you can download in almost any format for free. There is zero footprint and no one will come to your home to visit you. You don't need to subscribe, enter a password or user name. In fact it's much easier to use than even this site! If you go to the bottom of the page on the left hand side you will see "magazines". Click there and then on the next page scroll half way through the page and you will see a special Watchtower magazine for July 2015. The Title is "How to Deal With Anxiety". It's worth looking at if it can make you able to face each day a little happier.
You have my prayers. I wish you the best.
Depression is a mental health problem that consists changes in behavior. This need motivation to be cured easily. It's takes lots of support and willpower to refrain your depressed behavior in your life. Focus your goal and make concentration about your future to overcome from depression. Always be happy!!!
If you are depressed some of the time and feeling "normal" the rest of the time you may be suffering from a bipolar disorder with depressive episodes, as opposed to manic episodes, which you do not report. Talk therapy is rarely effective but it can be effectively treated with medication that has little side effect.
Suffering from depression for 3 years is ludicris. Why would you choose to do that? Do you enjoy playing the victim?
If you had gotten into therapy and taken medication and invested your energy into seriously getting well,
you'd have been there for a couple years already. Instead, it seems you've avoided getting well by negatively finding excuses why you can't or why it won't work.
Try getting well, you might like it.
Being this way is not a release of my emotions. It's just like when I'm normally sad but can handle the feelings except not I can't, its intensified, and I see no escape. Telling someone for me helps me in no way because I feel no emotional connection to anyone.