I had woken up and wanted to go back to sleep, but instead I decided to daydream a bit. It was something simple, I had been at a friends house and wanted to look around (the house was nice). I walked upstairs and when I turned the corner there was this man. Everything was in a red tint and a creepy voice said, "You messed up, you let you mind into your mind". That sounds stupid, but I had just had a nightmare about having something evil going into my mind, and being half asleep my word worded it like that. For some reason I started shaking uncontrollably for about a minute because of fear (it really scared me for some reason). This isn't the first time something like this has happened (sometimes I don't even need to have a nightmare beforehand).
Aren't you supposed to be able to control your daydreams, not have them turn into nightmares?