... cover the fronts of the tooth and do not meet my gumline either. I noticed dark spots on the old surface of those teeth, since the veneers don't cover my front teeth. I don't know if its decay or bad plaque, but I really think I want the veneers removed and instead bothering with another set, It seems appropriate to think about crowns for the first time. If it is covered in dental insurance I'm really thinking about getting my 6 upper front teeth all done at once. They are all kind of worn and thinning out gradually ,I probably should have had them worked on a while ago, but I didn't feel right about all the drilling. I'm open to advice, but I feel ready to committ and understand my front teeth are going to get completely drilled and those teeth will get porcelain crownwork. I feel a little young to do it but I actually think it will protect the rest of them for a long time