Cramps in hands and feet?

Answers (2)

well your probably on your period don't worry i am a guy but my girlfriend says she gets a lot of cramps on her period so that is what i assume and assuming is cool and i just farted sorry

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Magnesium strengthens muscles, calms nerves, stops cramps, and fights infections. Get epsom salt. It is cheap, five bux for a year's supply. Put a dose in a glass with water to cover and stir until it dissolves. Fill the glass with lemonade and drink it. You can take it without the lemonade but you won't like the taste. Milk of magnesia is more expensive but nicer tasting and gentler laxative action. Your choice.

Cramps in hands and feet are somewhat more likely to be associated with poor blood circulation, and that would require a doctor's advice.

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